Sound Forge Cleaning Lab 4 - id3 tags Do Nothing

Wayne-Osborne wrote on 10/3/2023, 5:57 PM

I've been trying to create a CD that contains track and album information for several days now. I've tried including that information in several ways - none of which has been effective. Since the only way to know if I've been successful is to burn a CD, I've now wasted a stack of blank CDs.

My last attempt was to input the track information using the id3 editor and save it back to my source mp3 file. Writing the tags back to the mp3 file seemed to work, because when I saved the file, closed Sound Forge, and then re-opened it, the id3 editor still displayed the information I had edited. At this point, I tried to create a new VIP project file with the mp3 file still loaded. However, there is a bug in that the software tries to save the mp3 file as a VIP file! Since the mp3 file is open by Sound Forge itself, the file write operation fails. Since I'd seen that bug previously I backed up and just tried to use "Create DC". However, I'm still getting Track 1 Track 2 Track 3.

I've originally tried starting with a new project, which is how I created the FX'd mp3 file I'm trying to use. The first dead-end for the user under that scenario is that after entering the track names in the Track section (not the id3 editor) they think these names will be embedded in the audio CD they create - NOT SO! When someone inputs track names- why not cross populate the id3 content with it and call WRITE. It works the other way around! I now see it is pointless to input track names and not use the id3 editor. However, I still need proof that the id3 editor input is not useless.

In summary, I'm asking for a successful stepwise procedure that actually results in a CD that has track names in the correct order, and hopefully also an album name (somewhere.) I'd like the names to show up when I insert the CD in my car stereo. By the way, the tutorials a just useless marketing that skip past many required steps.



SP. wrote on 10/4/2023, 3:48 PM

@Wayne-Osborne Do you try to burn MP3 with ID3 tags on a CD? If your stereo can play MP3 CDs it should be able to read out the ID3 tags. You can also do this with Windows by simply dragging and dropping MP3 files onto a disc. Windows can then burn the files.

To create audio CDs with artists names, song titles etc. you need to be able to add CD-Text. I'm not sure whether SF Audio Cleaning Lab can do this. I have an older version and found no information about this in the manual.

Wayne-Osborne wrote on 10/4/2023, 7:28 PM

No, I don't want mp3 files on a CD. I want and Audio CD.

I didn't know about CD Text. Since Sound Forge Cleaning Lab 4 won't edit CD Text, I'll have to get another projgram.



Wayne-Osborne wrote on 10/7/2023, 2:07 PM

I finally discovered there is a CD Text checkbox on the Create CD dialog. So, the product does support CD Text. If you complete the id3 tags, then they will be written to an audio CD. Many PC players won't show the tags, but if you press the Text button on your car stereo they will be displayed as an alternative to simple track numbers.