Sound Forge Audio Studio v13 compare to v12.6

wieslaw-slota wrote on 1/15/2019, 7:40 AM

In version 12.6 it was possible to load playlists .m3u and .cue, and export .cue along with the sound file. In v 13 there is not. There is also no "Open and append ..." option. All these tools were very helpful and convenient when I was archiving my very old vinyl records, I didn't want to burn CDs, I just store them on hdd and BD archives. Is there a chance that these possibilities will appear in one of the next releases of SF Audio Studio?


wieslaw-slota wrote on 1/16/2019, 5:50 AM

v12.6 - Tools --> Audio Restoration and:
- Declicker/Decrackler
- DeClipper
- DeEsser
- DeHisser
- DeNoiser

All of this tools are in v12.6 more setting option than corresponding tools in v13. Reverb have more advanced option than reverb in v13, normalize too, etc... The longer I study v13, the more I am convinced of how successful the release was in 12.5