Sound Forge Audio Studio question

jimmykicker wrote on 2/25/2022, 1:51 PM

Hi, I have a new Mac running the M1 chip. Windows 11 now has a release that works on Parallels. I was able to install SFAS 14 and it worked initially. Upon updating win 11 and restarting it would not launch or run in any kind of compatibility mode. Vegas DOES work and works just fine. I am wondering if I update my SF to 16 will this work? I don't mind buying it to make it happen, but I don't want to update it and have to run it on my old tired PC if possible. ACID is also a no go which is unfortunate. Thanks!


SP. wrote on 2/25/2022, 2:10 PM

@jimmykicker Have you tried the free demo version of Sound Forge 16?

jimmykicker wrote on 2/26/2022, 2:05 AM

I did not even think of that! I’ll try it and see if that works and report back!

jimmykicker wrote on 2/26/2022, 2:35 AM

Woot!!! It does in FACT work! Windows 11 under Parallels did the trick! Thanks for such a simple suggestion. I’ll be buying this soon!