Sound Forge 18 - questions before buying

Paul-Fegan wrote on 2/28/2025, 4:00 PM

I've been using Sound Forge since 2000 (v 4.5 when it was developed by Sonic Foundry) and am currently using SF14. I see there's a decent sale on and thought I might upgrade, but does anyone know if it's stable on Windows 11? As you know, everything is about workflow and I just don't want to upgrade if it's really buggy or problematic in any way. Also, is the text-to-speech module any good? Any reviews or advice welcome. I have just a few days left before I have to decide.

Thanks a mill.,



SP. wrote on 2/28/2025, 4:59 PM

@Paul-Fegan I had problems with ARA plugins in my version of Sound Forge 15 and 17. They loaded fine in my trial version 18. So there was some bug fixing in this regard.

I haven't used the text to speech feature.

Besides that, Sound Forge is a software that only has small changes between each version. I mostly still use version 12 and don't miss anything.

Paul-Fegan wrote on 2/28/2025, 5:26 PM

Thanks, SP. So I take it you haven't gone beyond the trial version of SF18? I agree with you about the small changes, which is why I haven't bothered to upgrade in a few years. SF14 works very well for me, but I thought maybe I'd get a few new features for a decent price while supporting MAGIX in the process. But I know their installers can be quite buggy and I'm just reluctant to upgrade if I'm going to end up down a rabbit hole of forums and support tickets trying to get SF18 to work. Anyway, I appreciate the reply, thank you.

john_barr wrote on 2/28/2025, 5:57 PM


I think Magix will release Sound Forge 19 at the end of March. I recommend you wait for the new version and try it.

Paul-Fegan wrote on 2/28/2025, 6:32 PM

Interesting, John. Do you have any inside info on what the update will be??? 😁 Also, I suspect it will be full price and may not be on sale for a while. Thanks.

john_barr wrote on 3/1/2025, 5:29 AM

I don't think Sound Forge will have any new features, but I hope the bugs are fixed. Some time later, the price will decrease.

Paul-Fegan wrote on 3/1/2025, 9:32 AM

Thanks, John. If SF18 is buggy, that would be a major deciding factor in buying it. Right now, SF14 feels very stable and I'd hate to lose that. So thanks for mentioning the bugs.