Sound forge 17: Cursor/Marker is not fixed -moves when zoom in-out

UGIS-POLIS wrote on 11/6/2023, 2:43 PM

Nothing more to add. JPG with 2 screenshots attached: Marker position when inserted and when zoomed -in - it moves to the right. Thank you.


rraud wrote on 11/6/2023, 6:05 PM

Which version of Sound Forge do you have? Read the 'Sticky at the head of the main Sound Forge forum page.
How are you zooming in? (magnify tool, timeline ratio, other.
Does the position counter change as well when zoomed in/out?

Off hand, the only thing I can think of is to try disabling all 'Snapping' or 'Zero Crossings' ("Options" menu). The marker position should not change with or without snapping though. I do not recall any reports of this behavior.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @UGIS-POLIS.

UGIS-POLIS wrote on 11/7/2023, 4:39 AM

Thank you!

Is there another version than the one I mentioned in the title? Sound Forge 17. Audio Sudio 17.

I zoom-in using the Edit tool.

Yes, the position counter also changes its position.

I only use SoundForge for very simple editing of mp.3 files - lectures. I bought this version just a few days ago and on the first day everything was ok. To solve the problem I activated the Reset all preferences function yesterday. Nothing changed. Today I repeated it, but in addition I activated Reset cached data. The problem is now solved. 

rraud wrote on 11/7/2023, 9:10 AM

Hi @UGIS-POLIS, If it occurs again, or other abnormal behavior with MP3 files. try enabling "Always proxy compressed formats" in the 'Options> Preferences> General' menu.

Is there another version than the one I mentioned in the title? Sound Forge 17. Audio Studio

There is Sound Forge Pro and Sound Forge Pro Suite, but both are basically the same as Audio Studio, aside from more included plug-ins, UI options and automation.

spectoral wrote on 8/4/2024, 9:36 PM

Hi there. August 2024:

Sound Forge Pro 16 build 106. Same issue as above unfortunately (on Sound Forge Audio Studio 17). I've uploaded a short 90 second clip showing all my settings and a proper demonstration of the issue on a WAV vs on a compressed file:


I will definitely update/upgrade if the issue is confirmed to be fixed (and if updating is free). Really hoping for a fix for this, it's making my workflow super difficult now. Thanks!

SP. wrote on 8/5/2024, 3:10 AM

@spectoral Have you tried the 'Always proxy compressed formats' option that @rraud mentioned?

spectoral wrote on 8/5/2024, 3:54 AM

SP, yes I have. Please watch the video. It answers all possible questions in only 90 seconds.

ZseZse wrote on 8/8/2024, 10:03 AM

I'm having exactly the same issue as spectoral (8/5/2024) in his video. Got SF 17 when it first came out. Just stopped using it and went back to using 15. Downloaded the new 17 audio studio online subscription thinking the problem would be solved in that. NO. It still persists. Got s/w with a problem and now a subscription to the problem. 😥Searching for alternatives to SSF. Shouldn't need to do that. What am I missing? Been with SSF since SSF 10. If this isn't the right forum, please advise.

SP. wrote on 8/8/2024, 1:13 PM

@ZseZse I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with compressed audio files. Uncompressed files have a continuous stream of data while compressed files usually use frames of information which are uncompressed one by one. So you usually can only skip from frame to frame not from bit to bit. The bits are created on the fly and so are the waveform graphics. So the cursor might jump back and forth between the individual frames. At least that's my understanding of this.

Maybe it worked better in the past because other decoding libraries where used. But over time file patents run out or decoders get old and are not longer maintained and get replaced with different ones which work in another way.

Usually, if you use uncompressed audio files, it shouldn't be a problem.

ZseZse wrote on 8/8/2024, 3:48 PM

@SP. Thank you. As much as I am able to understand, your response makes big sense. I've recorded & edited with SSF for years. I can continue to use 15 and 15 Pro to get my podcast, etc. done and until I can expand my knowledge base enough to continue with the later versions. Trying a few other s/w products but there's a learning curve and I'd really like to stay with what I know. Guess I'd better get busy. Thank you again. I was really frustrated.