Sound forge 16 - frustrating changes and inoperability

Goran-Martinac wrote on 5/20/2022, 3:19 AM

I have been using Sound forge for years and with version 16 I have a couple of frustrating changes and inoperability ...😡


1. In preferences/general: Allow Ctrl+Shift+drag style zoom in data windows ... why "shift" was added?! It's a 20 year routine without a fucking shift...

2. In Apply Plug-in Chain ... every time you save some of your chain preset, sf16 open some previous one ?! frustrating slowdown..when you apply some chain and re-open Apply Plug-in Chain does not remember the last preset, but opens an empty default...

3. When you go to save as...not by default "default template", so in speed it often saves under a completely wrong sample rate or bit rate or mono or stereo ?!