Sound Forge 15.0 Pro Bld. 159 "Save As" issue

Former user wrote on 12/15/2021, 11:31 AM

Normally I would process & archived tracks in WAV @ (96 kHz; 24 bit) then would "Save As" to FLAC (44.1 kHz; 16 Bit) and MP3 for archiving. In Bld. 159 after saving as what remain open is the "Save As" file, not the original processed WAV file. I have to undo the Save As to get to the the WAV file. But after doing this it completely delete the metadata summary information. To get back my metadata I have to re-open the archived/processed WAV file and do the "Save As" again. In Bld. 64 and in previous builds what remain open is the original/processed WAV file every time you do a "Save A".


rraud wrote on 12/15/2021, 12:18 PM

Disable (uncheck) "Automatically reopen file after Save as" in the "Options> Preferences> General" menu. You may also want to disable "Prompt to open new file after Save as" as well.

When you encode (Save as) your Flac, MP3 or other format file, confirm "Save metadata with file" is check-marked in the 'Save', 'Save as' or 'Render as' window. There is warning option in the "Options> Preferences> General" menu as you can enable: "Warn when metadata cannot be saved in the file".

Otherwise, view the release notes for SFP-15, build 159 for any default changes, though if you used the build update patch, your preference settings should remain from the previous build.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @Former user.

Former user wrote on 12/15/2021, 2:47 PM

rraud, thanks for the prompt reply. I reverted back to bld. 64 after finding my issues with "save as" - including the transport problem that several users have already reported. I made a test though per your resolution. I checked & unchecked "Automatically reopen file after Save as" & "Prompt to open new file after Save as" - it did resolved my problem. For the meantime I'll stick to bld. 64 until the transport issue is resolved on the next update come Jan. 2022. Thanks again.

xman_charl wrote on 12/15/2021, 3:49 PM

revertedf back to build 64 here...


what a mess!!