Sound Forge 14 - new install question

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/1/2020, 12:28 PM

HI Everyone,

Just installed SF14 Pro and I was wondering how to get iZoTope RX7 plugins to show up in the FX list. I have several batch jobs that I was using in SF10 that referenced the RX7 plugins, but they don't show up in SF14.

Is there a way to rescan for FX plugins, or do I need to reinstall?



Former user wrote on 8/1/2020, 1:27 PM

I'd try uninstalling the RX plugins and reinstalling them. It could be there's some kind of issue with registration -- SF14 might not see the RX plugins as activated.

rraud wrote on 8/1/2020, 1:28 PM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge user forum @SteveMTNO.

- Which version? Pro or AS (Audio Studio) ... I am not familiar with AS, but some settings may be universal or similar.
- Are the RX plugs otherwise available for an Fx chain?

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/1/2020, 1:57 PM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge user forum @SteveMTNO.

- Which version? Pro or AS (Audio Studio) ... I am not familiar with AS, but some settings may be universal or similar.
- Are the RX plugs otherwise available for an Fx chain?


If I go to RX7, as expected. But they don't show up in SF14Pro...

rraud wrote on 8/1/2020, 2:38 PM

So you are stating, it is not available to be added to an FX chain.. or .. to be added to "FX Favorites" in "Organize" ??

Go to "Options> Preferences> VST Effects" and confirm the folder (where the RX7 <.dll> plug-in files live) is listed as an 'Alternate VST search folder'.. if it is not, click 'Browse' and select it.

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/1/2020, 3:49 PM

So you are stating, it is not available to be added to an FX chain.. or .. to be added to "FX Favorites" in "Organize" ??

Go to "Options> Preferences> VST Effects" and confirm the folder (where the RX7 <.dll> plug-in files live) is listed as an 'Alternate VST search folder'.. if it is not, click 'Browse' and select it.

Correct. The only place I actually see the plugins I want is in RX7 itself. The only iZoTope plugins that show up in SF14Pro are the ones that came with SF14Pro. I've tried every location I can think of (so far) looking for a DLL, no luck..

rraud wrote on 8/1/2020, 4:20 PM

"I've tried every location I can think of (so far) looking for a DLL,"

Many VST plug-ins are installed by default to 'Program Files> Steinberg > Vstplugins' ?? [Program Files (x86).. for 32 bit plugs] I do not recall if my iZ plugs were put there.. if not, somewheres else in Program Files.

I don't know if the RX7 plug-ins are a separate install option.. aside from the stand-alone

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/1/2020, 4:38 PM

I'll keep looking... thanks!

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/1/2020, 5:25 PM

I found several of the plugins in multiple locations (not sure why they're scattered all over my new hard drive), but the two that I'm really looking for - Resample, and Dither - are only found if I go into RX7....

rraud wrote on 8/1/2020, 7:13 PM

Most <.dll> VST files can be moved if you wish to consolidate them to where most of the others are . I don't know if that is the case with RX7 but you could try,

Former user wrote on 8/2/2020, 9:35 AM

Your directory system is obviously a mess. Start over.

Uninstall and reinstall the Izotope plug-ins. All of them. Everywhere. Use Geek uninstaller. Check for traces of SF10 too and get rid of them. You, apparently, haven't made any progress doing anything else. Why not try something different?

rraud wrote on 8/2/2020, 10:15 AM

"Your directory system is obviously a mess. Start over. Uninstall and reinstall the Izotope plug-ins."

I agree.

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/2/2020, 3:36 PM

Your directory system is obviously a mess. Start over.

Uninstall and reinstall the Izotope plug-ins. All of them. Everywhere. Use Geek uninstaller. Check for traces of SF10 too and get rid of them. You, apparently, haven't made any progress doing anything else. Why not try something different?

Actually, my directory isn't a mess. It's a brand new PC. I have very little installed on it so far, other than SF14Pro and Izotope RX7.

I'm trying to figure out whether the Resample and Dither plugins are actually separate files like the other plugins. Right now, I'm thinking maybe they're not. I just don't know where they actually live.

emmrecs wrote on 8/2/2020, 3:46 PM


Although I don't own SF I do own RX7 Advanced and can confirm Resample and Dither are not available as plugins.


Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/2/2020, 4:02 PM


Although I don't own SF I do own RX7 Advanced and can confirm Resample and Dither are not available as plugins.


Well, that explains things a little bit then. Now I just need to figure how to access those RX7 plugins from within SF14Pro..


Thanks, emmrecs..

rraud wrote on 8/2/2020, 6:43 PM

SF Pro has 'iZotope MBIT + Dither' and 'iZotope 64 Bit SRC' resample available natively in the "Process" menu.

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/2/2020, 8:15 PM

SF Pro has 'iZotope MBIT + Dither' and 'iZotope 64 Bit SRC' resample available natively in the "Process" menu.

Not mine... I have SF14Pro. Do I need to do something to enable these?

In SF14Pro, I have "Resample" (not iZoTope 64-bit SRC) and I don't have Dither at all. I do have Bit Depth Converter (POW-r), and Resample doesn't have any submenu at all.

On my old PC, I have SF10Pro installed and I have 'iZotope MBIT + Dither' off the Bit Depth menu, and 'iZotope 64 Bit SRC' off the Resample menu.

rraud wrote on 8/3/2020, 11:06 AM

I do not currently have access to a PC to look at Pro 14. Maybe the Magix SF versions are different, Use Pro 10 then if you absolutely positively must use the iZotope converters.

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/3/2020, 12:22 PM

I just bought SF14, the plan was to use that on the new PC and stop using SF10 on the old one.

I'm wondering if I just need to reinstall SF14Pro?


SteveMTNO wrote on 8/3/2020, 12:45 PM

Just tried uninstalling SF14Pro and reinstalling. Didn't make any difference..

rraud wrote on 8/3/2020, 12:56 PM

Just tried uninstalling SF14Pro and reinstalling. Didn't make any difference..

The iZ converters are liklty a Magix licensing thing
 You could Install SF Pro 10 on the new PC. Different versions of SF can co-exist on the same PC without issue. I have Pro 10 installed on all my PCs and use it for the legacy plug-in chainer and 'remote record' feature. I have Pro 10 through 14 on my Win 10 laptop including both the 32 and 64 bit versions of Pro-14.

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/3/2020, 1:09 PM

I'm trying to install SF10 on the new PC, but Win10 is telling me that the download is corrupt for .NET Framework 2.0.. :(

EDIT - OK, I figured out a workaround for the .NET issue. SF10 installed ok, but now I have to wait for the authorization code. Hopefully that work, now that Magix has taken over...

rraud wrote on 8/3/2020, 2:54 PM

Did you download Pro 10 (build 502) installer from Magix's download center or My Products? You can activate it on-line assuming you have a valid Pro 10 serial #. I do not think the SCS off-line activation works.

SteveMTNO wrote on 8/3/2020, 4:05 PM

I tried the 503 and 507 builds (I had the files downloaded from when I bought the software).

It didn't like my serial number anymore tho... :( Do I need to uninstall from the old PC first? I'm hesitant to do that, in case I can't reinstall...

rraud wrote on 8/3/2020, 5:51 PM

You do not need to uninstall Sound Forge Pro 10. It is not limited to only two simultaneous activations like the Magix SF 12, 13, 14.

Make sure you use the email address that was used when you originally registered Pro 10 with SCS (Sony). Magix uses 'that' info..