Sound Forge 13 not opening

Alfredo-Norese wrote on 7/14/2021, 5:28 PM

I own SF 13 and I wasn't using it a lot, today I tried to open it and stays trying, keeping reading the vst3 files one and again, I leave it doing that for several hours and nothing. Any clue to open it without reading vst? I mean a clean open, no 3rd part plugins, just the SF included. Thanks in advance


rraud wrote on 7/15/2021, 10:13 AM

Firstly did you try reinstalling SF?
If that does not help, note the VST search folders file paths in "Options> Preferences> VST effects", clear the search folders (delete the path) then re-start SF and re-enable one at time to identify (ID) in which folder the problem file exists. When the folder is founder is found, move the VST <.dll> files to a temp folder, and move them back a few at a time (apathetically for instance to find ID offender. Unfortunatly this can be labor intensive.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @Alfredo-Norese.