Sony & Sound Forge Loops

CMMM wrote on 4/7/2018, 10:15 AM

Hi - I need info on publishing work made in Acid Pro 7, with samples and loops from Sony Creative Software and Sonic Foundry Loops for Acid. None of them are now available for purchase either from Sony, Sonic Foundry or Magix. They are not available for licensing from Catooh. What may I do with them? All were bought legally and were either downloaded from Sony Creative Software or bought on CD from Amazon, Discogs, eBay, etc. Thanks for your help.


robertNC wrote on 4/7/2018, 11:58 PM

It would seem that the licenses should be grandfathered, since you purchased them and hold on to the original licenses, either the disks and/or the downloaded materials. I believe Acid loops were commissioned by Sonic Foundry and Sony, hence their being royalty and commercial free upon purchase.

CMMM wrote on 4/8/2018, 8:00 AM

The fact that they are no longer available to buy seems to indicate they have no commercial interest for Magix or Catooh. I was under the impression when buying them that they were royalty-free and could be used in published works. Otherwise, why sell them? I am not sure if these works can be used for commercial purposes, however. My intention at the moment is to use them non-commercially but who knows where that will lead? I have to be sure before making them public because otherwise I risk copyright infringement. I have written to Magix to ask them as I understand Sony bought rights to Sonic Foundry and then sold them to Magix with all their loops libraries.

robertNC wrote on 4/8/2018, 3:26 PM

Acid Pro 7 Magix edition comes with like four acid loop sets from the past, one of which, off the top of my mind, being Orchestral 1, which was released by Sonic Foundry. The loop installer portion had a license agreement, which seemed to be very murky in nature, (IIRC relating to software and not the specific loops), and I couldn't find the license agreement anywhere after I installed the loops. They own all the loops from Sonic Foundry and Sony, but they aren't reselling them at this point.
I own a couple ancient soundpools from the mid-90s on CD, and, IIRC, catooh said that they are commercial free, provided that there is actual ownership and posession of the disks

mjn wrote on 4/9/2018, 10:38 AM

The license agreement you agreed to at the time of purchase should be adhered to. I always print out the license agreement when purchasing a loop product. I keep them in a file for easy reference. I find The Sony loop license is pretty user friendly in that the main point is " You are free to use the Content Offering in your own original compositions without restriction". Here is a link to the complete agreement:

You might also find the license in a pdf on the original CD.


CMMM wrote on 4/9/2018, 3:09 PM

Hi and thanks for your replies, if there is no license info on either the CD or its cover, may I assume that there are no restrictions? I'm thinking of a Sonic Foundry CD called Ilona Universal Female Vocals.

robertNC wrote on 4/9/2018, 11:10 PM

If you own it then you should have the license to use it as you intend to as it conforms to the agreement. The license is on the sony creative software site iirc.

mjn wrote on 4/10/2018, 9:53 AM

if there is no license info on either the CD or its cover, may I assume that there are no restrictions?

No, there will be restrictions. I suggest you follow the terms of the "End-User License Agreement for Sony Creative Software Content Libraries". I posted the link to it in my above comment.