Some instrument tracks won't play after recording

shinno wrote on 1/26/2018, 1:53 PM


I'm using Music Maker 25. Sometimes, when I record an instrument track, after I stop the track is blank (there's the "ribbon" of the track, but as if I hadn't played any notes) and when I play it it's as if I didn't record anything. However, the inspector below shows me the notes! Maybe somebody knows what's the problem? Thanks in advance!



Captain_Clutch wrote on 2/5/2018, 7:17 PM

Hi Shinno,

I've had a similar problem before. If you are using MIDI notes you can just save export the MIDI file (in the top right hand corner of the MIDI editor), and re-load it into MMM. It's not a permanent solution but it works; more of a workaround really.


- Charlie