Size/Position/Rotation is registering a re-position of Title (text) as an animation, how do I prevent that? I just want to re-position text, with no animations of it being moved. or how do I edit it to remove the animation?
Assuming the Title (test) is not one of the animated options available, try positioning the timeline cursor at the beginning of the text object before moving with SPR.
Assuming the Title (test) is not one of the animated options available, try positioning the timeline cursor at the beginning of the text object before moving with SPR.
John EB Forum Moderator
I don't understand. if I try to reposition any text, it gets recorded as animation of that text moving from it's origin to destination. how do I disable animation for this process?
Not sure why you are using Size Position Rotation for basic text positioning when text can be placed anywhere on the screen. Is there a particular reason you need to do that?
Not sure why you are using Size Position Rotation for basic text positioning when text can be placed anywhere on the screen. Is there a particular reason you need to do that?
we have a projector at church and I need to make the font as big as possible to make it easier to see. using Size Position Rotation allows me to move it up as far up (or down) as needed (to create space & separation) & gets rid of the border around the text (that restricts the text from going further).
There should be no visible border around any text using the text on its own unless you mean the area the text can't be moved to, such as close to the top of the screen. That is a safety area as some projectors or monitors may make text placed in those areas go slightly off screen if the resolution of the video is slightly different to the exported dimensional ratios of the video produced.
However, if you do wish to push text to the extreme of an edge, say to the top of the screen as in your example, then yes, size, position, rotation will do that but it should not move once placed into position unless you have accidentality created more than one key frame in the key frame editor.
That can happen by by constantly fiddling with the placement of the text once positioned. Especially if the text is moved at a different place in the timeline to when it was first positioned.
Key frames can be removed from the key frame editor by clicking on the offending key frames in the key frame editor and then deleting them using the dustbin / trash can icon. Then the text should stay where it was placed.
If that doesn't work, remove all the key frames and then reposition the text, but only do the positioning once to prevent it happening again.
If you need to keep repositioning text as you add additional text objects it is best not to adjust more than the position of the text using the Size, Position, Rotation tool as that is what adds additional key frames. It is better to adjust the text size when creating the text with the text tool and then use the Size, Position, Rotation tool purely to place the text into it's new position. That would prevent key frames from being added if then the text is later repositioned
. . . .gets rid of the border around the text (that restricts the text from going further). . . . .
I believe the issue you are having moving the text to the edge of the screen is due to the Only use visible TV area option in the text dialog being checked, uncheck it as shown below.
You will also note that I do not use SPR - it is not necessary.
That is not strictly the case (and may be font and size dependant as I have only tried a small sample) that SPR would not be needed if you needed to get text to the very edge of the available screen area. Even with the 'Only apply visible TV area' turned off in the text object, the gap between the edge of the screen and text can be reduced further by the application of the SPR tool.
I too though feel it is not necessary but for aesthetic reasons. To my eye it always looks odd to have text next to an edge. You would never see that in any professional use of text, be it a titling sequence or a poster or book cover.
. . . . that SPR would not be needed if you needed to get text to the very edge of the available screen area. . . . .
When putting text so close to an edge that looks good on one system may not look good on another, the text may be cut off because not all systems display 100% of the width/height whether they be TV's, Digital projectors or computer screens.
. . . . To my eye it always looks odd to have text next to an edge. You would never see that in any professional use of text, be it a titling sequence or a poster or book cover. . . . .
There should be no visible border around any text using the text on its own unless you mean the area the text can't be moved to, such as close to the top of the screen. That is a safety area as some projectors or monitors may make text placed in those areas go slightly off screen if the resolution of the video is slightly different to the exported dimensional ratios of the video produced.
However, if you do wish to push text to the extreme of an edge, say to the top of the screen as in your example, then yes, size, position, rotation will do that but it should not move once placed into position unless you have accidentality created more than one key frame in the key frame editor.
That can happen by by constantly fiddling with the placement of the text once positioned. Especially if the text is moved at a different place in the timeline to when it was first positioned.
Key frames can be removed from the key frame editor by clicking on the offending key frames in the key frame editor and then deleting them using the dustbin / trash can icon. Then the text should stay where it was placed.
If that doesn't work, remove all the key frames and then reposition the text, but only do the positioning once to prevent it happening again.
If you need to keep repositioning text as you add additional text objects it is best not to adjust more than the position of the text using the Size, Position, Rotation tool as that is what adds additional key frames. It is better to adjust the text size when creating the text with the text tool and then use the Size, Position, Rotation tool purely to place the text into it's new position. That would prevent key frames from being added if then the text is later repositioned
I believe this is the solution, I'll mark it the next time I need to do this (verification)
. . . .gets rid of the border around the text (that restricts the text from going further). . . . .
I believe the issue you are having moving the text to the edge of the screen is due to the Only use visible TV area option in the text dialog being checked, uncheck it as shown below.
You will also note that I do not use SPR - it is not necessary.
John EB
yes, that does give a lil more room to move closer to the edge, thanks
Just another small point - the TV viewing area limiting the title viewing area can also affect word wrapping so that a long text line does not go outside of the desired TV viewing area. It will automatically word wrap.