Silent Installation of MM2017 Schubart-Gymnasium wrote on 4/22/2022, 3:41 AM Hallo, i am having issues with the silent installation of mm2017. i do install addon vcredist 2008sp1 und 2013 first. then silent install ms_ file without an mst transform. when starting the program, i get error -59 please advise. Back to post
Comments SP. wrote on 4/22/2022, 4:59 AM @Schubart-Gymnasium Hello! I would suggest you contact customer support at or the technical support Error -59 usually requires a complete uninstall and reinstallation. Hallo! Ich würde vorschlagen, ihr wendet euch direkt an den Kundenservice unter oder an den technischen Support Fehler -59 erfordert für gewöhnlich eine vollständige Deinstallation und Neuinstallation. 1