
craig-d wrote on 5/31/2022, 1:02 AM

Hi @john_barr! Yes, it persists in the program at the moment, but the word I have gotten is that the developers have fixed the problem, and there is a big update coming in a month or so that is in beta testing now. So it shouldn't be much longer.

john_barr wrote on 6/13/2022, 8:03 PM

This issue continues in SFP 16.1. It seems there is no solution.

john_barr wrote on 6/14/2022, 10:53 AM

This problem also exists in version 15. I recorded a video to demonstrate the problem.

Former user wrote on 6/15/2022, 9:43 AM

I have both versions installed & I don't find the preset issue in v15 bld.161. In v16.0.106, only "normalize" & "Rx9 De-Clip" doesn't remember the last preset used. I don't use other modules but tested some like "wave hammer" (per video demo), in both versions it was ok.

john_barr wrote on 6/15/2022, 10:02 AM

Did you watch video?

If I click OK, the preset name continues to appear. But if I close it without clicking OK, Preset Untitled appears.

Former user wrote on 6/15/2022, 10:48 AM

Hi john_barr

My bad. Oooh, it's when you "cancel" the operation and reopen it. Yes - "wave hammer" is affected by the issue in both versions. No wonder I didn't find the issues in most modules I use, it's because when I did the tests I used the "custom" presets I created. I created a custom preset in wave hammer "[test] Master for 16-bit" with the same settings as the [Sys] and run a test "apply & cancel" and walaaa it remember [test]...

john_barr wrote on 6/15/2022, 10:50 AM

Now you understood. Thanks.

craig-d wrote on 6/16/2022, 4:13 AM

yes, it definitely happens this way...the preset problem that was fixed was the issue with customized presets...but this issue is being looked at now. thanks for your patience!