If you literally mean an SFACL 3 "project" then the first question has to be: is SFACL 3 installed on the computer to which you wish to move the project? If not, then any transfer is impossible. If it is you will need to copy the project file and ALL associated audio files to the other computer, open the project in SFACL and then point it to the location of the audio files on this second computer. If your original computer also has any VSTs installed which you wish to use on the second computer, again, these must be installed on it.
Or, are you asking if it is possible to copy the audio file exported from SFACL 3 (i.e., the file produced when all the cleaning etc. has taken place and it has been exported/saved)? This file is simply an standard audio file in whatever format you chose to export from SFACL and, assuming the second computer has suitable software for playing audio files, you should have no problems with the file.
VSTs are add-on plug-ins which are separately installed on your computer and can be integrated into SFACL 3. If you do not know what they are I think you don't have any!