SF18 build 21: Regions List

Unsounded wrote on 9/3/2024, 7:56 PM

I use the regions list a lot. I find it incredibly fiddly to set it up how I like it. Basically I only want to see name, start, end and length. Every time I use Sound Forge I have to remove all the other fields. Is there any way to get Sound Forge to remember what fields are being used rather than displaying all of them? Saving a Windows layout doesn't seem to help for this

I think the regions list needs an overhaul. Apart from being difficult to set up it has no search or filter functions. It seems the only way to find a region is through intensive time consuming and irritating scrolling.


rraud wrote on 9/4/2024, 9:17 AM

Is the behavior different in versions prior to SF-16?

Unsounded wrote on 9/4/2024, 4:12 PM

Thanks for the reply. I have a copy of SF10 and checked that. The behaviour is no different - even possibly worse to resize the columns but I'd forgotten how much better visually the layout was, especially the scrollbars. The fact that the regions list is still basically the same underscores how little anything has been done to improve the use of regions in all these years.