SF14 Waves V9 not working properly

dnulf wrote on 7/14/2020, 8:43 AM

I purchased SF14 for a new laptop. I added Waves (V9) RComp (64-bit) to my system. However, when using RComp, the plug-in does not affect the audio. The threshold and ratio are set to affect the audio signal, but the audio appears untouched. I see signal levels in the plug-in, but nothing gets affected.

Also, where is the Preview button for the Plug-in Chainer? I much prefered SF10's version of the Plug-in Chainer interface.

Any ideas, gurus?


dnulf wrote on 7/14/2020, 9:45 AM

I upgraded the Waves RComp to latest V11. Still same results.

rraud wrote on 7/14/2020, 11:28 AM

Hi @dnulf

- Do you have Sound Forge AS (Audio Studio) or Sound Forge Pro 14?
- Are you editing destructively or as a SF project?
- is the RComp being used as a single plug-in or in the plug-in chainer..
- If you are using the chainer, in what mode?
- Does the RComp gain reduction meter indicate compression is taking place.. and can you hear it working when pushed to extreme?

dnulf wrote on 7/14/2020, 11:40 AM

Hi @dnulf

- Do you have Sound Forge AS (Audio Studio) or Sound Forge Pro 14?
- Are you editing destructively or as a SF project?
- is the RComp being used as a single plug-in or in the plug-in chainer..
- If you are using the chainer, in what mode?
- Does the RComp gain reduction meter indicate compression is taking place.. and can you hear it working when pushed to extreme?

SFPro14 (64bit)

Editing destructively

Single plug-in

RComp gain reduction indicates no compression is taking place, even at 50:1 ratio. The make-up gain affects the signal.


rraud wrote on 7/15/2020, 12:13 PM

Try using the Plug-in chainer in "Fx Favorites> "Apply Plug-in Chain" mode. That has the legacy UI with the 'Preview' and execute (OK). The timeline Plug-in chainer is always active and only writes the data with Save or Save as. Regardless, the RComp 'should' be working though

You could try using the non-destructive mode to see if it works there. Select 'Save as' and choose "Sound Forge Pro Project File" as the file type. This creates a <.frg> project file and media folder with a 32 bit copy of the org file(s).

Unfortunately this is a common occurrence with Wave audio plug-ins and many folks have this problem. Waves plug-ins work OK on some PCs with SF, but not others. It's a shame. Search this forum for other posts. The Vegas Pro Audio forum as well..