SF Studio 17: Channel Converter - where did it go?!?

Jason-Clift wrote on 10/17/2023, 5:35 PM

Hi all

I have recently upgraded to SF studio 17 - but it seems much more semi pro than the other version I was on. And it has lost the really useful ability to bounce down from 2 or 3 channels to mono using the snazzy Channel Converter tool. When working in stereo editing podcasts with 1 voice on the left and one on the right - it was so quick and I could undo with one click.Now I have to annoyhingly save to mono. And if the blend isn't right - I have to open the previously saved stero file again... And now I discover I can't save from 2.1 (aka 3 track) to mono!!!!!

What happened? Did I buy the wrong version of SF? If I upgrade to pro - will Channel Converter reappear? And please don't try and advise that I move to different multi track program - I've been using SF since 2003 and fly around so fast that other programs will just slow me down....

Thanks for your comments in advance!!


SP. wrote on 10/17/2023, 5:39 PM

@Jason-Clift Yeah, install the free demo version of Sound Forge Pro. The channel converter is definitely there. You can contact customer support at infoservice@magix.net and ask them for a refund of your Audio Studio version.

Jason-Clift wrote on 10/17/2023, 5:49 PM

SP - you are a legend, mate! Thank you so much - I have downloaded pro and off to the races I go!! Thanks again...