
walter-howerton wrote on 6/15/2022, 9:10 AM

Yes, iZotope plug-ins also no longer work because of Sound Forge 16.1

This must be fixed immediately. Meanwhile, what's the best way to revert to the last functional version of SF Pro?

TR_Mala wrote on 6/15/2022, 9:49 AM

Hitting the Refresh button under the VST Effects tab in Preferences fixed the problem for me. Selecting "Reset all preferences and cached data" under the File menu should also fix it, but it will also reset and delete all saved window layouts, custom saved presets, favorites, etc.,

john_barr wrote on 6/15/2022, 10:14 AM

Some plugins don't work on SFP 16.1

jason-whelan wrote on 6/15/2022, 10:14 AM

Hi, I tried that, and rescan vst etc. No go. Will have to uninstall SF I guess. Should have set a recovery point as soon as the upgrade window popped up......

john_barr wrote on 6/15/2022, 10:17 AM

It seems that Magix can't fix the problems.

walter-howerton wrote on 6/15/2022, 2:32 PM

Hitting the Refresh button under the VST Effects tab in Preferences fixed the problem for me. Selecting "Reset all preferences and cached data" under the File menu should also fix it, but it will also reset and delete all saved window layouts, custom saved presets, favorites, etc.,

Beware of trying these reasonable troubleshooting steps, although they might possibly work. I did both of these things (the simple Refresh first, then when that didn't work, the destructive Reset)... Neither fixed the problem with SFPro161 and VST plugins. This is a bad break in the program.

rraud wrote on 6/15/2022, 3:23 PM

Refreshing the VST search folders has also cleared the Plug-in Favorites folder in 16.1. This does however does not happen on every refresh time, Magix staff and the beta testers are looking for the exact sequence that triggers it. It should be fixed soon,

xman_charl wrote on 6/16/2022, 12:07 AM

notice wave hammer 2.0 doesn't work...