SF Pro 15 Downloaded properly but crashes immediately upon launch

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/20/2022, 7:28 PM

I'm using SF Pro 15 (64 bit) and installing on a new PC. OS is Windows 10 Pro. First, it would not download. I enabled Windows NET Framework (all aspects of both) and then it downloaded successfully. However, as soon as I launch, I get the error message: Sound Forge Pro has stopped working. There's no error code. Just the standard option to send a report to Magix. Any idea what might be causing this? I suspect a registry issue, but no idea how to check.


SP. wrote on 4/21/2022, 12:27 AM

@Roxanne-Coyne Does your computer system satisfy the minimum system requirements for Sound Forge? Is Windows updates and are all hardware drivers up to date?

rraud wrote on 4/21/2022, 10:06 AM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @Roxanne-Coyne ,

Do you have the subscription version (365) or the standard (perpetual) version?
You stated SF downloaded successfully. Did the installation manager complete downloading the <.exe> files to 100% (look in "Documnets/MAGIX Downloads/Installationsmanager")
Did SF fully install? Does it open and were you able to activate it?

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 10:31 AM

@rraud  I'm using the Perpetual version of SF. I purchased in December but never attempted to install until recently (because I knew I'd be changing my computer).

I believe the installation was 100% completed. I was prompted to input the serial number and I got a confirmation notice saying the product was registered and activation was completed successfully.


However, I originally had trouble with the original download that I attempted on 4/18. I got the following error message:

2147163964 sfvstproxystubx 86.dll failed to register HResult -214024770

It's a NET Framework issue. I looked this up and followed the suggestion to make sure both boxes were checked. Then, I attempted the download and install again, and the software installed correctly and I was able to register and acitvate it.

But immediately upon launch, I get that screen that says: Sound Forge has stopped working.

My guess is there's still an error on that NET Framework but I'm not sure how to fix it.


On 4/20 I uninstalled ONLY Sound Forge 15 (not all the Izotope and other products) from my PC using the Revo Uninstaller. I attempted the install again using the launch application that was ALREADY downloaded. Got the same result.

Then I attempted to download the launch application again and I reinstalled and got the same result.


I've made sure my graphics card is adequate and I've updated Windows 10 to latest version: 21H2.

The version of SF I'm using is 15.0.0 build 161


Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 10:33 AM

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 10:36 AM

I took this screenshot of the Magix downloads just now. It looks like the 4/18 download is still on my computer. I thought I'd gotten rid of it but it's still there. Could this be what's causing the problem? I thought I'd uninstalled that 4/18 SF file.

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 11:16 AM

Should I download a more recent version of NET Framework?


rraud wrote on 4/21/2022, 11:32 AM

Could this be what's causing the problem?

No, having the Magix download files would have nothing to do with it. Uninstalling the other software items is not necessary either. You can 'try' resetting SF.
In the 'File' menu. select "Reset and clear cached data". Close and restart Sound Forge
Alternate method: Hold the "Ctrl + Shift" keys whilst launching Sound Forge will exhibit the same dialog.
When you uninstalled SF with Revo, did you use the 'advanced' scan mode, and check-mark ALL the listed items to delete. If not, maybe try that uninstall/reinstall procedure again, cold booting the PC in between.

Otherwise, you should request a Magix tech support ticket ... it is a little confusing, so peruse this comment prior:
https://www.magix.info/us/forum/unable-to-record--1272206/#ca1661047 .

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 12:17 PM

I can't reset the cache because I'm not even getting to the SF application. It seems to crash before it even opens. Here's what I have done:

I unistalled EVERYTHING from Magix using Revo Advanced settings.
Restarted the computer. And am now attempting do download everything once again.

All the other software installed fully, but the SF application seems to have stalled out. Meanwhile, the Application Wizard has launched. Is this normal for the Wizard to launch before the download is complete? Here's an image of what I'm looking at.

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 12:38 PM

IT WORKED!!!! I went ahead and started the Wizard and completed the installation/activation process. In the meantime, I also disabled the McAffee and Windows Defender Firewalls.

And now, I am able to launch and open the application for the first time.

Thank you so much for your help, @rraud  😊

rraud wrote on 4/21/2022, 12:49 PM

I am glad it worked @Roxanne-Coyne.

Is this normal for the Wizard to launch before the download is complete?

Yes, that is normal.

It is also common for antivirus and firewalls to fork up the installer downloads.

Roxanne-Coyne wrote on 4/21/2022, 1:25 PM

Thank you. I completely forgot about the firewalls. It's been quite a long time since I've installed new software. Thanks so much for your help today!