SF Audio Studio 12 - a couple of questions

jbraner wrote on 8/17/2017, 10:22 AM


1 - Is there a way to get file information (like max volume, and clipping or ISP etc) about a loaded file - in SF Audio Studio 12?

I know we have "peak left" and "peak right" in the position fields, but that's not very accurate until you zoom in to a very small area.

In my old version of Adobe Audition, you can get these "file statistics" easily - but I can't find it on Audio studio.


2- Also - is there a way to set the scaling for the Y axis? It seems to pick random values. Right now it's showing -0.7db, -3.2 db, etc.

It would be better if it just showed normal -1db, -2db, -3 db, -6 db, -12 db etc.


I have RTFM, and I'm pretty well good to go - these are just 2 niggling things.

Thanks for any info.


John B



rraud wrote on 8/17/2017, 2:19 PM

I do not think AS-12 has the 'statistics' utility (at least not as of Sound Forge Pro has 'statistics' though and I expect SF Pro 12 (when it's released) will as well.

Not sure what you mean by "Y axis scaling". As with previous SF releases, the waveform can be expanded up/down and zoomed in/out to display the entire file, or zoomed in to display just a few samples.

The 'new' AS-12 meters have many settings and can display K, IEC and PPM, among others. TCustom meter layouts can also be saved. That said, I prefer the original SF style.. (since I'm probably used to them, since V.3) Full scale Peak, RMS, VU, LK, ect., ect.

jbraner wrote on 8/18/2017, 3:07 AM

Thanks for your reply rraud. So I guess that's just a feature of the "Pro" version.

I was talking about the scaling for reading the WAV (or whatever) file being edited.The numbers on the LH side of the "grid" (not the meters). I know you can zoom in on the waveform - but a normal view (zoomed out) of a normalised file shows weird scaling like -.7db, -3.2db etc. I just think it's weird, and nothing else that I've ever used displays like this.

John B


rraud wrote on 8/18/2017, 10:37 AM

'Level ruler' maybe, I've changed my display, so I don't see it here. Can you post a screenshot? I'm sure it can be hidden or changed if that's your desire. If you can find a pre owned version SF Pro 9 or 10, that has the statistics utility along with other niceties. I think ownership is transferable (at least it was with SCS). My experience indicates, these versions run w/o issue in Win 10 as long as it's installed to the x86 program files.

jbraner wrote on 8/18/2017, 1:26 PM

Here's what it looks like. Sound Forge on the left - Audition on the right.


See how SF uses -.7db, -3.2db instead of "round" numbers?

rraud wrote on 8/18/2017, 4:29 PM

Yeah, that's the 'Level Ruler' (at least that's what Sonic Foundry and SCS called it). Though I do not see any sign of it or any parameter settings on the version I have ( DP3) which may be a beta test version. In any case, I'm not sure why they used that scale. In SF Pro 11 and older versions; Inf., -6, -12, -2.5dB zoomed full out and the resolution increases with the zoom ratio. I prefer it hidden to have a little extra TL width. The meters OTOH, are of utmost importance.

jbraner wrote on 8/19/2017, 3:31 AM

Thanks rraud - at least I know what to call it now. ;-)

I've sent a request to cust support, to see if we can fix this.

T.W. wrote on 8/21/2017, 11:08 AM

Hello John & rraud,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

For your first question, there are already some plans for statistics. It will come in a later version, maybe with an update or patch. The peak left and peak right values are for the current edit cursor position. There is a scan time that you can edit in preferences. The value is calculated from this scan time around the edit cursor. You can also change the information that is shown in these fields with a right click to field, then you can choose what you want to see in these fields in the opened popup.

The Level Ruler will also be reworked and it will get a more useful scale.


Best regards

jbraner wrote on 8/21/2017, 12:39 PM

Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for your reply - it's good to know that someone is reading these posts ;-)

there are already some plans for statistics. It will come in a later version, maybe with an update or patch

That would be really good - thanks.


The peak left and peak right values are for the current edit cursor position. There is a scan time that you can edit in preferences. The value is calculated from this scan time around the edit cursor.

OK, I'll have a look at this - maybe I can set the a really long time, to get a peak value for an entire song. ;-)


You can also change the information that is shown in these fields with a right click to field, then you can choose what you want to see in these fields in the opened popup.

I knew this - form the manual. There are a few interesting ones to pick. Of course - this is redundant if you use the time display manager ;-)

Another good feature, would be if we could make any of the "manager modules" floating, or docked wherever we want - so we can see a few of them at once. Mind you - I got the meters (visualisation) to dock seperately from the rest of the manager(s), so maybe this actually is possible.


The Level Ruler will also be reworked and it will get a more useful scale.

That would be really good! ;-)


I'll keep my eyes open - here I guess. Where else can I get news about updates etc?


John B

T.W. wrote on 8/22/2017, 7:48 AM

Hello John,

Another good feature, would be if we could make any of the "manager modules" floating, or docked wherever we want - so we can see a few of them at once. Mind you - I got the meters (visualisation) to dock seperately from the rest of the manager(s), so maybe this actually is possible.

It is possible :-) you can go with the mouse over the left corner from the titelbar of the docked window, then the mouse will change to another mouse cursor, that shows you, that you can now undock the window. Now you can drag the complete Window with all its tabs. To dock only a tabed window you can undock also every window separatly, you just drag the tab from that window what you want to move.

I have here a quick screen record to show how it works. Its just to demonstrate, with a small screen, so the positions makes no sence but it shows how it works.

I hope that helps you.


jbraner wrote on 8/22/2017, 3:14 PM

The Level Ruler will also be reworked and it will get a more useful scale.

I learned that the level ruler scale changes as you change the window size that contains the waveform being edited. (still the same in the patch)

This is weird behaviour isn't it? If your not zooming, why would this change according to the window size? Shouldn't it just stay the same (ie -1db, -3db, -6db, -9db etc), and just let the window (and waveform) get bigger or smaller?   


T.W. wrote on 8/23/2017, 12:09 AM

Hello jbraner,

you are absolutely right, as i said:

The Level Ruler will also be reworked and it will get a more useful scale.

It will come in a later update.



jbraner wrote on 8/23/2017, 3:28 AM

Thanks Tom