SF Aud Studio 15 and SPLIT TRACKS no

Robert-Seitz wrote on 6/13/2021, 4:57 PM

I have been using these products for 15 years since way before Magix took over.

I am immediately frustrated as I am working on a project and merely need to split tracks and the kbrd shorcut S is NOT WORKING!

SO I tried the actual edit command and it also does not split the track!

What gives here!?!?

R Seitz


Robert-Seitz wrote on 6/13/2021, 4:58 PM

Sure, I can drag across the file and delete the highlighted section but WHY is the S split command not working!?

rraud wrote on 6/14/2021, 3:59 PM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @Robert-Seitz.

I am not very familiar with the Sound Forge Audio Studio versions, but in Sound Forge Pro, the Event mode must be engaged for the 'Split' and other event specific commands to function.

Robert-Seitz wrote on 6/14/2021, 6:08 PM


Thank you I will check that and see if that was my issue.