SF 11 crashes after opening when loading files or recording

joseph-p wrote on 5/25/2018, 5:31 PM

this is SF11Pro, build 299 on Win10Pro 1709/16299.431 on an AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor. been using this combination since SF11 was released.

I can launch the program, but that's about it. anything else I do (opening a file, starting to record a file, loading an already recorded file, etc) just causes the "problem report" to screen come up ("Sound Forge Pro has stopped working..."). nothing to do but exit.

I uninstalled the program, deleted any remaining folders, used CCleaner to clean up the the registry, and reinstalled. twice. no joy. I'm basically dead in the water with a pile of work that's getting taller by the minute.

any ideas or pointers?


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