I have - SoundForge Pro 15 - Build 159 - Windows 7 Laptop - 64 Bit
So I downloaded the update last week to SF 15 Pro - and It is VERY glitchy. First - I use a Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 interface. It is the LASTEST one - meaning 3rd Gen - and less than a month old - as I upgraded from the 1st gen. I say all this b/c I don't think the problems have to do with it??
First - and this is minor BUT it didn't happen before -
1. When I open a window to record and save - the Default Save for some reason is NOT .mp3 which is what I MOSTLY use but MAIN CONCEPT MPEG 2?? This never happened before with ANY incarnation of SF - it usually defaults to your last save.
2. The audio just STOPS recording - and Yes I KNOW they reinstituted the Remote feature - HOWEVER - I don't use it as I don't like it as much as the older one - SO I don't realize it has stopped recording and just a flat hum line is there - for no reason. And even if/when I do use it - it happens as well - but keep in mind when you are recording you are NOT looking at the record window - but your script - so... it doesn't matter either way whether I use the remote feature or not.
3. And further to the stop record - I thought maybe something like an email alert on my email may be interfering or I touched something by mistake - BUT TODAY - which is why I decided to write - I was just SITTING THERE - Listening back to a record - hands in my lap - NO E-mail or any notifications popped up - and the sound JUST dropped out - I could see the cursor moving on the just recorded file I was listening back to - but the sound JUST drops. I have to stop playback - go back and hit play again?
Anybody else having ANY of these problems or have an answer?
And rraud was kind enough to list the update/release changes in someone's post - Which I can't find now - But one of them I KNOW it said they changed - which was when you saved - it would ask if you wanted to open the file - and a duplicate so to speak would remain up if you did Or didn't - so essentially you could save the file and still have the same one up UNSAVED. I got used to that - as that allowed me to re-tinker on the original file AS Well as not having to get rid of .sfk files when I do my back-ups - But as that's gone - it's time to ask - WHAT is the setting I need to unclick or click to not have a .sfk file save along with the regular file?