Screen Capture: Video with no audio

doylehp wrote on 6/20/2013, 11:15 PM

In Movie Edit Pro 2013 Plus, I’m trying to use screen capture and am unable to record sound with the video. I have reviewed responses to other posts and am making progress but still do not have audio.

I have adjusted the levels all the way up to 100 and I still get the “Warning: The audio level is too low...” indication.

I’m running Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, Intel core i5-3570k, Nvidia GeForce GT 620 video card, 8 GB RAM.

Any ideas for resolving the issue?

Thank you,


gandjcarr wrote on 6/21/2013, 4:52 AM


When you click on level control, you should get your audio setting dialogue box.  Under the Record tab double click on the Stereo Mix a new dialogue should open.  Make sure that stereo mix is enabled.  Finally, make sure that your card is not muted otherwise you will get no sound.


doylehp wrote on 6/21/2013, 6:59 AM


Thanks for the reply, George. As you can see in the pics here, Stereo Mix is enabled and the sound card is not muted. I do hear the audio while capturing the video. The problem is that there is no audio in the captured file. To clarify, there is an audio track, but no sound.


doylehp wrote on 6/21/2013, 7:36 AM

Hmmm...I'm not sure what changed but, I just rebooted the PC and tried Screen Capture again. Everything appears to be working fine.

Thanks for your efforts to help, George! 



gandjcarr wrote on 6/21/2013, 10:04 AM

Hi Doyle,

Glad you were able to solve the problem, if I had been thinking I should have suggested re-booting first.  I find that it often resolves strange problems.
