scene recognition

amiga5k wrote on 5/16/2009, 7:01 PM
Scene recognition does a pretty good job 95% of the time, but sometimes under certain conditions (flashes of light or hands waived in front of the camera, etc) scenes are created that are not actually scenes. How do I COMBINE scenes that should be one scene?

I figured it would be as simple as selecting all of the (adjacent) scenes I want to combine and right-clicking and selecting "Combine scenes" (like every other video editing program I've ever used), but this feature doesn't seem to be available!

I must be missing something, because I would think after 15 versions that this would be something that would be in there!

Thanks in advance!
Russell Jones


massi04 wrote on 5/17/2009, 6:49 AM
After scene recognition is done a list shows up of all the scenes found. Go through this list and and decide what action should be taken. Delete the cuts that you do not want. 

Alternatively, you could also adjust the level for scene recognition before you start.

2009/05/19:Why do you think, there is a problem? A scene always could consist of several objects, all these objects could be defined i.e. as one group. What is your idea behind glueing them together?

If you really needed it as a whole, you could try the following:
Drag your original material a second time to the timeline and cut your complete scene manually.

But finally, there is another elegant method:
Create sufficient empty space to the left or right of any "fragment" of your scene, put the cursor in the left/right lower corner of this fragment until the cursor will change to a double arrow and pull until you have opened as much of your scene material as you might need. ...Surprise, surprise, there is what you are looking for! ...and not yet cut. Now delete all the fragments that you will need no longer.