Saving edits in Sound Forge Pro.

Former user wrote on 10/17/2021, 9:25 PM

I hope I am doing this wrong, but when I make changes in SFP during a session and then hit 'save', the program appears to render/export the file. In other programs, like Audition, Audacity, Reaper, Mixbus/Ardour et al, I can make changes to the work file and then save those changes as often as I like. When done, I can then export and render the file. How do I make changes to SFP work files without having to render/export each time?


rraud wrote on 10/18/2021, 9:44 AM

File> Save as, 'Sound Forge Pro project file (*.frg). This creates the <.frg> project file and a new (frg) media folder. When you wish to create a new edited /processed audio file, select File> Render as.
Unfortunately, opening an existing SFP project is a little slower than using the (normal) default destructive mode.

I recall the destructive and non-destructive modes being discussed previously.

Former user wrote on 10/19/2021, 4:01 AM

@rraud Thanks for reminding me. SFP defaults into saving WAV when it should be the last thing, for export.

rraud wrote on 10/19/2021, 9:39 AM

In the SFP project mode, the only way to render is selecting "Render as". Save rewrites the <.frg> file. 'Save as' creates another project file and media folder.

FWIW, I would speculate that most folks never bother to create a project. I only use the 'project' mode when there are lots of automation parameters I may want to change or add to at a later point.