I have done this 3 times.... I download the Sound Forge Pro 15 User Manual. When I try to save it, Adobe keeps saying that it's distorted & to contact you. What to do? Thanks for your help
Hi @gerald-d and welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community. Your browser is opening the file in an add-on instead or saving it. If you cannot save it in Acrobat (or whatever) some reason. try this; Right-click the SFP 15 "Instructions" entry in the 'Service Center> My Products' page and select "Save Link as", choose "Save" which should download it to your PC instead of opening it directly,
If that does not work, state so and I will post the file on WeTransfer.
Thanks for your responses. I ran into the same problem from the "Instructions" section. It turns out that Chrome has a tab in its advanced properties section that I had checked; it automatically opens some downloaded files in Acrobat. The SFP 15 manual downloaded just fine after I removed this option in Chrome.