Saved disc image mpeg file has no audio in Windows Media Player

ronlaw wrote on 5/28/2009, 11:29 PM
I successfully saved my movie to a disc image mpeg file, but it has no audio when I play it in Windows Media Player on the desktop computer. The same disc image mpeg file saved to a external hard drive then played in the laptop plays the audio fine.
I am not sure where to start to determine why the audio will not play on the desktop but will play on the laptop.
Magix Movie Edit Pro 15 is installed on the desktop and not on the laptop.


siglersmalz wrote on 5/29/2009, 1:06 AM
OK - that's a weird one!

You should try a different media player on the problem computer and see if it has the same results.  KMPlayer is a great media player and it's free.  It's way better than Windows Media Player; I've been using KMPlayer for a couple years now.

Another alternative is VLC Media Player.  Another free player.  I don't like it as much as KMPlayer, but it's a great alternative, especially for testing.

Good luck.
siglersmalz wrote on 6/1/2009, 2:15 AM
So, the good news is that the audio is there, which implies that MEP is creating the movie correctly.  I can't imagine what the problem would be; I've never heard of this before.  I wish I could be more help, but the only further suggestion I can make is to export your video to different movie formats available in MEP (File, Export) such as AVI, WMP, MOV and see what the result is.  It's possible you have a Windows Media Player driver problem on the desktop computer.  Perhaps Cyberlink uses the Windows Media Player's drivers, or something like that.

I'm guessing WMP works fine on DVDs played on the desktop and other video files (MOV, WMP, etc.).  If not, then it's definitely WMP.  You might try a Windows support forum.  Ask if there is a way to truely uninstall WMP and then do a fresh install.  If all the WMP versions are using the problem driver(s) then none of them will work.

I can't think of anything else to suggest.  Let us know what else you find out.

Good luck