
mariobianchi wrote on 5/4/2020, 5:40 PM

mariobianchi wrote on 5/4/2020, 5:52 PM

The above error happened when I use Izotope Trash 2 I could not shut down Samplitude x5 Suites, but I was able to put an effect on a track and tried to solo the track, then I tried to export it before shutting down, intending to then take the effect off.  While trying to export I received the error above.

mariobianchi wrote on 5/4/2020, 8:08 PM

I still have Samplitude Pro X4 Suites installed on the computer, I tried duplicating the problem above with X4, it didnt happen. Izatope Trash 2 works perfectly. The problem is with X5 Suites