Samplitude freezing my system when on-line in a new location

Jim-Malone wrote on 7/4/2019, 3:57 AM

Hi all, I’m just throwing this out there as a question.

Yesterday, I was doing some editing on a project, and threw out a question on a project freezing. Well, I went ahead and did a applications on a track and set this to freeze a few tracks within the project. I then saved this file. All was working just fine for the most part. Tracks were playing, and all was cool.

The minute I get to a different location where I record, and pulled up my project with the froze tracks, Samplitude crashed, and I couldn’t get any response from the program. This happen a dozen times or more, then I decided to just freeze the entire project, and just left a few tracks within the project. All started working again, but only after a couple of hours of troubleshooting.

I also want to say that when this all happened, I couldn’t get any response from the system, and had to do a hard boot to bring the system back.  The only thing I did differently within the last few days was to increase the memory  to 16 Gigs.

I’m questioning things now because I get the system back home, and all is working as expected.

Does Samplitude take notice of your location and freezes the system if you aren’t in your home location?

I realize this is a unusually dumb question, but I can’t explain this any better then what happened.

I’ve also loaded other projects as well, and had to do a hard shutdown and reboot to make the computer respond again. Has this been reported, and what was done to solve this problem?



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