Samples showing as straight lines when loaded

Wolfie-R wrote on 7/8/2022, 11:56 AM

I have recently purchased Music Maker and have the plus and premium 2022 purchases, along with a few sound pools and things were fine until today.

I opened up a new project and selected my sound pool, but when I drag any sample to the work area window, (which can be seen as it's dragged).., When I drop it, No samples show.., just straight lines. This happens with any sound pool I select. My set up is fine as I am also a Cubase user, using Windows 10.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.




SP. wrote on 7/8/2022, 11:59 AM

@Wolfie-R Uncheck under the View > Arranger menu the stereo representation. Does this help you?

Wolfie-R wrote on 7/8/2022, 12:08 PM

Hi S.P.

Problem solved, 👍 Thank you so much.

I must have accidentally checked that when I was exploring the menus.

I know what do do now, should it happen again.

Thanks once again.
