Running out of space on C:

John-Fernandez wrote on 2/6/2022, 1:40 PM


My DAW is set up with a smaller C: drive and a larger D: drive. I'd like to keep the program file executables on C: but install things like the instruments and loop collections on D:. Doesn't appear to be a way to select this upon installation of those files...

Do I install the loops etc one at a time and move them to D:? Or?

If I need to move them manually, where do they reside on C:? Will moving them cause program execution issues?

Thanks in advance -




SP. wrote on 2/6/2022, 2:47 PM


Move the instruments and loops directory from C: to D: Now the folder should be gone from C: and sit on drive D:

Open the command prompt cmd.exe

Enter the following command

mklink /J "C:\The\Path\To\Your\Loops\And\Instruments\Directory" "D:\The\Path\To\The\Moved\Directory"

and press Enter.

Windows then creates a symbolic link at C:\The\Path\To\Your\Loops\And\Instruments\Directory that points to D:\The\Path\To\The\Moved\Directory.

The program will not recognise the difference and will just put all the data in the folder on C: but it's actually written to drive D:.

John-Fernandez wrote on 2/6/2022, 2:52 PM

Great - Thank you! But - what is the default directory for the loops and instruments - C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common?

Thank you again


SP. wrote on 2/6/2022, 3:03 PM

@John-Fernandez Yes, if you didn't change that during the first installation this folder will be hardwired to all of your Magix software.

Another folder that can get big with installers is C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\Documents\MAGIX Downloads\Installationsmanager\

John-Fernandez wrote on 2/6/2022, 6:33 PM

Thank you again for your help, greatly appreciated!