routing between midi tracks

Stephen-Maddison wrote on 1/8/2022, 12:31 PM

I am trying to use the non-linear sequencer, MIDINOUS, with Acid Pro 10. This requires me to trigger the sequencer on one MIDI track and route the output to another MIDI track which contains the software synthesizer to which the sequencer output can be directed. I guess that this is a question of using Busses to route the signals, but I cannot figure it out. I find the Acid manual completely impenetrable on this subject. Has anyone figured this out already? If so, how is it done?


SP. wrote on 1/8/2022, 1:08 PM

@Stephen-Maddison Here is a similar topic:

Is Midinous running as a separate Application or as an plugin inside ACID? Maybe you need some virtual MIDI cables to get it working, for example Loopbe or LoopMIDI.

Stephen-Maddison wrote on 1/9/2022, 5:59 AM

Thanks for picking this up. Midinous is a software sequencer and would be running as a plugin in Acid. In effect, what I need to do is route the output of one MIDI track to the input of another. Do you know if this can be done in Acid? That's what I can't figure out. You probably worked out that I am not exactly an expert with MIDI, though I have been using Acid for several years. Maybe I should just swap to a DAW that is better at handling MIDI, like Ableton. What do you think? By the way, how do you use Acid?

SP. wrote on 1/9/2022, 6:08 AM

@Stephen-Maddison If you load Midinous as a plugin on track one, can you then set it up as an input on track two? It should be able to play a VST instrument on track two.

Stephen-Maddison wrote on 1/11/2022, 3:23 AM

Hello, again. That is the problem exactly. I can't work out how to route the output of track one to the input of track two. The manual is not very helpful on this.. I think I will try the Support team and see if there is a known way to do this. Thanks for trying to help. Much appreciated.

Charles-Miltenberger wrote on 6/26/2022, 5:29 PM

Hi Stephen - any resolution on this? I have the same problem in Samplitude Pro X7.

SP. wrote on 6/26/2022, 5:42 PM

@Charles-Miltenberger Samplitude has a different internal MIDI routing than ACID.

Have you checked the manual about using MIDI plugins?

FiatLux wrote on 6/27/2022, 3:02 AM

I am not really sure , so please forgive me if I am wrong and I am going to pose this as a question :

is this what you are trying to do ? :

Or !

Can you use "Sidechaining" for this ? (look up Sidechaining in index in help of Acid Pro 10) :

Stephen-Maddison wrote on 6/27/2022, 3:41 AM

For anyone still struggling with this, MAGIX support eventually pointed me at the "Sidechainsender" in the FX list. It is something of a phag to sort this out, but that seems to be the MAGIX way. I had no idea previously that this function existed. It could be made significantly more useful if it was included as a function in the main program rather than as a plugin FX.

I think the time may have come for me to move on from ACID.

shkr wrote on 6/27/2022, 12:46 PM

all is explained in Acid manual on page 181. also in Acid help file in 'sidechaining'. but of course asking in forums and writing to support is also a satisfying solution ;-)

sheppo wrote on 6/27/2022, 5:48 PM

@Stephen-Maddison - i decided to check out the demo of midinous just to check out exactly how it worked.

I could only see it as a standalone application, not as a VSTi available from within acid. Here's how to record in acid midi generated by Midinous.

  1. Open Midinous - this should be before opening Acid, since I think Acid scans for hardware / virtual hardware changes only at start-up
  2. Open Acid
  3. Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Midi tab
  4. Ensure "Midinous Port" is enabled
  5. Create a Midi track in Acid
  6. Change the Input to "Midinous Port"
  7. Create some content in Midinous, hit play
  8. Even with Acid not playing you should hear the Midinous midi playing in your Midi bus
  9. When you want to record, arm the midi channel for recording
  10. Hit the record button on transport controls and watch as a new Midi clip is created full of midi data.

here's a video of me showing that, and explaining a bit about midi routing.

Stephen-Maddison wrote on 6/30/2022, 7:09 AM

Many thanks for your extremely helpful post - particularly the video. You are obviously considerably more expert with Acid than I. To be honest, I had forgotten about Midinous and moved on to something else, but now I am reminded, I'll give it a go. Yes, I had mistaken it for a VSTi from not paying proper attention to the video by Signsoflife on YouTube. In case you have not seen it, defintiely worth a look. Thanks again. Magix should be paying guys like you to do their support! Cheers!

sheppo wrote on 6/30/2022, 9:57 AM

Hi @Stephen-Maddison thanks for kind words. :)

yeah, I had stumbled across the SignsofLife video as a result of your post, he does some great content! Personally, I found midinous to be too much hassle to get nice sounding things out of it. As an alternative Pigments is a great synth that has loads of tools for creating polyrhthyms that you might find useful. It's not the cheapest synth around, but Arturia often do crazy deals so one to keep a look out for. Check out this video by Venus Theory showing it off.

are you still stuck with how to route midi from one track to another? If so, I demonstrated this in a different video, here's a link to the specific part of the video.


SporkimusPrime wrote on 7/5/2022, 11:47 AM

I have used BlueArp, create MIDI channel, you say input is keyboard, output is BlueArp. Then, create a 2nd MIDI channel make it's input the BlueArp (or sequencer in your case), then output whatever synth you want to pump into. There is also a checkbox on the 2nd instrument that is worded something like "Send midi input through midi output" I think that has to be checked.