Hi guys. I have two questions and hope I am not breaking any etiquette by posting them in the same post.
I recently purchased Magix Music Maker Premium 2019 and so far have been happy with my purchase. I do have a question about the instrument 'Revolta2' however. Before buying the product, I watched a review on Youtube and when it was being demoed, in the drop down box, I was seeing about 350 presets. In my copy I only see one that called 'Best of' that gives me 16 presets. It was suggested in the comments to click on the cog under the store tab and try clicking 'download all purchased content' which I did with no impact. Nothing was listed as requiring installing. The other suggestion was to ask you here.
My second query is I am not seeing a 'export audio as mp3' option when trying to save a project. Is this no longer supported in this version?
Any advice on the above would be appreciated.
The version I have is and I am running MMM Prem on a Dell pc using Windows 10 and 8gb of Ram.