"Reverb" plugin not working on an individual track - Music Studio 2019

melarbell wrote on 11/2/2018, 5:26 PM

In Music Studio 2019 the reverb plugin does not work when activated on an individual track. It does work when added as Master effect though. Anyone else had this issue?


Also, I cannot sent a tech support request as it says my product is too old - even though I purchased Music Studio 2019 about a month ago and registered it...something odd going on there.


ralftaro wrote on 11/16/2018, 7:52 AM

Hi melarbell,

I couldn't replicate this issue here on my end, but maybe you can try contacting support again with all relevant information (e.g. the specific reverb plug-in you're using, whether it's an audio or MIDI track etc.) The problem you're describing with the support request is probably due to the support website not having picked up your registration of the new product from the customer database yet. Please try logging out from the support website via the silhouette icon => "Logout" option in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and then log back in with your MAGIX user account. This will force a syncing of the two databases, and you'll be able to go ahead and raise your support ticket.

Hope this helps!