Hi all, I seem to be having trouble installing Acid Music Studio on my workstation.
I manage to download the installer via the download manager and upon starting installation and everything was fine until it started installing the updater. The updater failed with an Error 1603 but the Acid Music Studio went through without an issue. Though when I try to find the app, the folder and executable doesn't exist as if the installer rolled back the installation. I tried the installer a few times and noticed the successful installation prompting after the progress bar hits 30%.
This hits me as an issue since there is no error code or indication of an error during installation.
I also had an error installing Music Maker on the same workstation and this one prompt an error 1603 of which I tried several solutions to no avail.
It seems I'm unable to install any Magix product at this rate due to this error. Besides this is the first time I'm installing a product from Magix.
Appreciate if this issue can be resolved ASAP.
Please see this link for solution https://www.magix.info/us/forum/getting-error-1603-during-installation--1260402/#ca1612102