[Version UDP3]
Hi everyone,
So I upgraded to MEP 2022, and I'm seeing that the video resize effect [Size/Position/Rotation] has been redesigned in an unconventional way. The handler icons are bigger than before which is good, but there are new issues. Before, it used to be that selecting one handle point on the frame would make the opposite point an anchor for resizing. But in this new design all the handle points exhibit the same exact behaviour where the centre point is always the anchor regardless of the choices of the handle point, and the resizing affects all the edges of the video.
This behaviour is rather annoying because commonly one has fixed an edge and just wants to keep it anchored without having to move the image again. Worse, levelling the video becomes a time-wasting repeat operation. Say I want to level the top of a speaker head with some point in a background object by resizing the talking head video. I would have to cycle through resizing, then moving to align the bottom edge, then checking the if the level is right, then resizing again and moving again, and so on. All this because the resize operation now affects all edges; so utterly annoying design. In the conventional design, I could grab by the top handle, and the bottom edge remains anchored, and I can resize to the desired point.
Another issue is the lack of horizontal/vertical only movement (with CTRL or SHIFT while dragging) that is very common in most graphics software. Again if an edge is fixed and just one direct of movement is desired, the free movement disturbs that and a careful and time wasting repositions is required.
Any thoughts on this?!