Rescue your video tapes 3

groeny wrote on 12/18/2012, 7:05 AM

Rescue your video tapes 3 worked perfectly with Windows 7. Having loaded Windows 8  the program cannot recognise my tape recorder and keeps asking me whether I have loaded the drivers. Having checked the Magix site for new drivers I found none...those appearing on the site are the same as those loaded by me. What now???


gandjcarr wrote on 12/18/2012, 11:05 AM


I don't see this product on the Windows 8 compatibility list.  You can check for yourself here.

The product is at least 3 versions older than the current version, and if I recall correctly, Magix is using a different hardware transfer device now than in version 3.  I suspect it is the hardware device that is the problem as it is a third party device which is probably either discontinued by the manufacturer, or the manufacturer has chosen not to write the driver for windows 8.  I personally have had problems with Sony who is huge company deciding not to update their drivers for a product that I paid over $400 for, so I have a $400 boat anchor.

Whenever you update your operating system it is advisable to make sure that both sofware and hardware are compatible with the new operating system.  Software is not usually a big problem unless it is really old because you can always run it in compatibility mode.  Hardware on the other hand is a big problem because if the new operating system cannot recognize the device, you are pretty much out of luck.

You could probably create a "virtual machine" for windows 7 within windows 8, and place the original drivers in the virtual machine but if this is the only device you are having problems with, it would be far less trouble to just buy the Windows 8 compatible HW and SW

Good Luck,
