I am beginning to use Vegas Pro 18(from VP13 & VP16) and I am unable to find a template for rendering to a Dolby Digital AC-3 5.1 Surround audio file. My VP18 project is a 5.1 Surround project as confirmed in Project Properties and the 6 audio tracks are properly assigned and playing back in Surround. When choosing "Render As" within the project, I am selecting the Format as AC-3, but I only see two templates to choose from: "Stereo DVD" and "Stereo DVD, AGC On". The templates for rendering audio in 5.1 Surround seem to be missing. What am I missing here, and how can I proceed?
Rendering to an AC-3 5.1 Surround audio file in Vegas Pro 18?
wrote on 1/10/2021, 4:09 PM