Render Sound Quality

brian-johnson wrote on 8/5/2024, 1:55 PM


If anyone could offer some advice, that would be great. I record in 24 x 44,100 in Acid Pro but when i render to a wav file, I can definitely hear a major loss of sound quality. It sounds telephonic and like the sound is almost coming from a tin can, if that make any sense. I even tried only professionally recorded loops to see if that would make a difference and got the same result. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or missing?

Thank you all,



SP. wrote on 8/5/2024, 3:49 PM

@brian-johnson This can depend on your audio settings in Windows. Maybe there is some type of equalizer or sound enhancement enabled for the audio device used for playback on Windows. Usually it should sound exactly the same in Acid and after export.

brian-johnson wrote on 8/24/2024, 4:09 PM

SP, thank you again! Going to try it today!