Remote Window Recording on SF 15 Pro

sathyme wrote on 3/9/2022, 3:17 PM

Quick Question I HOPE - I have SF 15 - which has the Remote window feature AGAIN - like in the other ones PRIOR - However - in the Older versions - If you use the remote record - let's say during a Client Listen in or Directed session - and of course, you had to PAUSE it so the client can give direction or what have you - It Started up again at the SAME POINT where you stopped - Of course, I can't figure out how to do that with the Remote Window in SF 15 - and YES I lost A LOT of takes due to this - Is there a way to Stop/Start the remote window and still be where you left off recording and NOT go back to the beginning of the VO record or file in SF 15?


rraud wrote on 3/9/2022, 4:48 PM

In the "Options> Preferences> General" menu, confirm that "Rewind cursor position after recording" is disabled . Commence recording... when you wish to suspend recording, press the Pause (or 'Record' button again) (Ctrl+R). Press Pause or 'Record' again to resume recording When you wish to exit the record mode and save the newly recorded 'STOP'
This works basically the same in the normal (non-remote) record mode.

If the about mentioned "Rewind cursor position" command is enabled, the cursor will return to the start position and overwrite any audio that was previously recorded when recording re-commenced.

sathyme wrote on 3/9/2022, 11:05 PM

Thank you - But I don't have that option in my Preferences - which leads me to believe - that SOME of the options are available only maybe on MAC computers?

I've attached 2 screen grabs - because I couldn't fit the WHOLE Preferences screen on One as it's long - and you will see it's not there.

rraud wrote on 3/10/2022, 10:47 AM

leads me to believe - that SOME of the options are available only on MAC computers?

No that is not the case @sathyme, and I think SF for Mac has basically been abandoned. I recall reading it will not work on Monterey.

In any case, download and reinstall the latest SFP-15 build (161) from the "Magix Service Center> My Products" or the Download Center. The disable/enable 'Rewind cursor position' option was added during the SF-15 run in both SFP and SFAS. I do not recall exactly which build it was added but it is at the very bottom of the "Options> Preferences> General" menu list There was a work-around prior, but I do not recall it.

sathyme wrote on 3/10/2022, 11:10 AM

Thank you for responding - as for the new build - As I may have mentioned in a previous post - Magix Support - sent me an OLDER build which stopped all of the problems I had re: SF just Shutting down for no reason - and me losing A LOT of work - and such - So I will either wait until they get to a NEWER build above 161 - which usually fixes whatever bugs they find from its users and complaints - or put another ticket in - and ask about the workaround for the Remote Record issue and whatever issue comes up in the meantime - But thank you!

rraud wrote on 3/10/2022, 12:27 PM

@sathyme. I doubt there will be a new build of SFP-15 since SFP-16 has been published. You could try the trial version, and/or back search the forum for my Record> Pause instructions prior to the "Rewind cursor position" option being added in SFP-15 build 161.

Addendum @sathyme , I think this is the thread: