relationship between Sony Play Station 2 and Magix Music Maker Deluxe

Barbara-Berschler wrote on 2/3/2022, 5:52 PM

I am trying to help a man in prison convert his music from a PlayStation 2 to other computers so that people outside of the prison can hear his music. I am a novice at all of this. If I get the Magix Music Maker Deluxe CD, will that upgrade a PlayStation 2 so that I can access what is on the PS2 and transfer the music to another device? My friend has a PS2, but it is old and the original CD no longer works. I just want to understand what can be done to successfully access the PS2. Thank you.


SP. wrote on 2/3/2022, 8:01 PM

@Barbara-Berschler I would guess you need Music Maker for PlayStation (not Windows), the same version of the game the man in prison was using. You can get it probably used online from the second hand market. Place the Music Maker disc in the PlayStation. You then need to connect the audio output of the PlayStation (the white and red cables) to an audio recorder or computer to be able to record the songs as a WAV audio file. Start the console up, load the Music Maker game and the songs from memory cards or the internal backup drive and start the playback and record the songs.

Do you know some shop which sell audio equipment? They could probably advise you which audio recorder and adapter you can get and show you how to do it.