
SP. wrote on 7/14/2022, 4:14 PM

First you need to delete them by right clicking on the Soundpool name in the Loops manager.

Be careful, your unfinished projects will not work if you didn't automatically copy the loops into your project folder because the project will look in the Soundpool folder which is now gone. But because you just downloaded them, you probably didn't start a project yet. So this shouldn't be a problem.

You can then redownload the Soundpool from the download tab. You can set the download quality in the program settings or in the Store settings.

sergio-Grosman wrote on 7/16/2022, 10:38 AM

hi i must remove all soundpool? i try in one but download again in format .ogg


SP. wrote on 7/16/2022, 11:53 AM

@sergio-Grosman You don't need to remove anything or just one Soundpool at a time.

If you don't want to remove the OGG Soundpools you can also visit and download the WAV Soundpools from there. Just use your Music Maker account name and password to login and then look under "My Products".