
Michael-Johnson wrote on 1/23/2021, 10:49 PM

I’m getting error 14. I was told I could load this on my lap top and desk top. I loaded laptop first. Now I can’t get desk top to run.See photo below. The 3 top icons with check loaded good




when I load to desktop. The bottom 4 won’t load error 14. Wrong serial number. U emailed me and said I have 2. Well this is the 2’d one and it wont work you should be able to see it


is one of the downloads needs to be paid for?


help me please


Michael Johnson



condex wrote on 1/24/2021, 5:45 AM

@Michael-Johnson  ... it would be a really good idea to remove the image from your post because the image contains your product's serial number and your email address which is now accessible to the world. This forum is a user forum - it is not a private access to MAGIX support.

As you say (or imply) that you have already been in contact with MAGIX support re this issue, you may need to get back to them to resolve this problem.

rraud wrote on 1/24/2021, 9:29 AM

Hi @Michael-Johnson, what version of SF. SF 365 can only be activated on one (1) PC at a time. All other Magix versions can be activated on two (2) PCs simultaneously
To check your activations, log into your account at the MAGIX Service Center and go to My Products > Show More Details.
Otherwise request a support ticket with Magix Customer Service which handles activation issues and such.

mtw, I do not see any screen shots. if you can post then again... but with out serial numbers or other personal info.