Here is the problem, the chat doesn't work. I've been waiting and waiting on a reply and it says someone will be with me in 1 minute...30 minutes later, nothing. Second, the link you provided offers an email of I get a rejected email every time I send to that address from any email account I use, so that's an invalid support method as well. So is there really a legit refund available for anyone? 14 days to find out support doesn't exist? One kind of feels as though this is a scam of some kind.
The PDF document linked to it out of date - the current cancellation policy is here - section §3 - and the 14 day money back quarantee is only valid in the EU/EEA area - it is an EU legal requirement.
If you are in the US, the FTC regulations 3 days from purchase money back period is not valid for purchases by email, telephone or online.
Did you read the earlier posts to this thread? @johnebaker provided a link to the document which is the cancellation policy, section 3 of this page. But please note what John also wrote:
the 14 day money back guarantee is only valid in the EU/EEA area - it is an EU legal requirement.
If you are in the US, the FTC regulations 3 days from purchase money back period is not valid for purchases by email, telephone or online.
I suspect Vegas and if so, you are on the wrong forum.
Here is the problem, the chat doesn't work. I've been waiting and waiting on a reply and it says someone will be with me in 1 minute...30 minutes later, nothing.
??? There is no chat available for any of the programs to do with this forum, only for Vegas.