Recording while listening. Can only do it with the video program

Lawrent-Fournier wrote on 6/28/2022, 12:26 PM

I own Music Maker 2022, Samplitude 2021 and Video ProX 11. When recording with a microphone, with Music Maker and/or Samplitude, I cannot hear the other channels playing or I cannot hear the microphone. However, I can plug headphones into the computer to hear the already recorded music and use headphones plugged into the sequencer (Yamaha Steinberg UX10) to hear the voice. What is really weird is that, with Video Pro, I do not need two sets of headphones. I can also do the recording with a cheap program that came with some hardware but the sound quality isn't all that great. Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong. By the way, a sign often comes up saying that I need to use ASIO drivers and/or that the playback and recording drivers are different. This happens even when the track infor says they are both the same.


SP. wrote on 6/28/2022, 2:18 PM

@Lawrent-Fournier Which audio drivers are selected in the Music Maker program settings (gear icon in the top left corner)? If you select an ASIO driver, for example Magix Low Latency, you need to click on the Advanced button and enable your inputs and outputs in the driver settings. You should also check in the recording settings (gear icon next to the record button), if the monitoring option is checked.

Lawrent-Fournier wrote on 6/28/2022, 5:03 PM

Thank you SP. I can now see that the program did record my voice. But I could not hear it while I was recording and there were no vu meter things indicating that it was recording. It just showed up as wave form after I stopped recoding. When I played it, a sign came up saying that it could not deal with or match with a sample rate of 44100. It also suggested that it probably comes from an external source or driver and I cannot find anything that allows me to change the sample rate. Please forgive my lack of know how.

Although I can appreciate the potential that may come from these recording programs, the frustration of actually getting everything that needs to be set is really bothering me. Music maker is supposed to be user friuendly.

SP. wrote on 6/29/2022, 1:16 AM

@Lawrent-Fournier You can change the sample rate in the project settings of Music Maker under the File > Settings menu. The sample rate of your microphone input can be changed in the Windows sound settings if you open the properties of your microphone.

Did you modify the driver and monitoring settings in Music Maker like I suggested?

Are you using an USB microphone? These can cause problems, depending on its driver. If this microphone has its own headphone output, you probably need to listen to your voice there.

A XLR-microphone + USB audio interface with ASIO drivers are usually not problematic to use in any audio software.

Lawrent-Fournier wrote on 7/1/2022, 12:55 PM

Greetings again SP;

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I was on a deadling to get a recording completed for one of my students and so I switched back to my Boss digital recorder which also meant unhooking the sequencer etc.

Yes I di follow your instruction and they did make a difference. I am not using a USB microphone, I run everything though eith a Yamaha MG10UX USB mixer or and Art Pro USB Mix 6. And, yes, in both cases I can listen to the voice using their headpone out. But, if I am also playing the background music through them, the recording of the voice includes the background music.

I'm not sure how you are conected to Magix, but I really do appreciate your expertese. Do you know if Magix offers a "Support Cnontract" where you pay a fee for support?

In the mean time, it will take me a day or two before I can get everythinbg hooked up to the comuter again. I let you know how it works. Once again, thank you very much for your time.

SP. wrote on 7/1/2022, 1:58 PM

@Lawrent-Fournier I'm just a user like you. I don't know if Magix offers paid service contracts. You can ask sales support at or create a ticket for technical support like it is described here

Check the manuals of your mixers for something called "Loopback". Usually you should be able to deactivate it on the mixer itself or in its driver. If loopback is activated the audio signal which is coming back from your computer is mixed with input signal of your microphone. Disabling loopback usually stops this behaviour.

Lawrent-Fournier wrote on 7/8/2022, 2:37 PM

Greetings SP

I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am for your wisdom. After a few restarts, I am finally able to record while listening both to what I am recording and to the background. I am doing it through the USB mixer/interface instead of through Music Maker, but so far, it has not reduced the potential of Music Maker. No doubt, given my track record I will have other problems down the line, but in the mean time, thanks to you, I am one very happy camper. Hopefully, someday, in some way, I will be able to repay you.

All the best in all you do.