
SP. wrote on 12/14/2021, 11:55 AM

@Paul-Cocianga You can disable monitoring by pressing the "Mon." button in the transport control or the speaker icon in the track header.

Paul-Cocianga wrote on 12/15/2021, 2:38 AM

Thanks, I tried and it works this. I thought this could be the problem but another is. Even before to start recording I hear my self in the hearphones, I click unmute on mic and I hear. Before to start againg to record i had a pause from recording for a while and before that I could record without this problem and I don't remember what did I do then.

My mic is conncted direct to PC and also the speaker is done through the mic's headphones.

Paul-Cocianga wrote on 12/15/2021, 3:06 AM

I fixed the problem. I had to go to the sounds setings in PC

SP. wrote on 12/15/2021, 3:17 AM

@Paul-Cocianga Thanks for letting us know.

Paul-Cocianga wrote on 12/15/2021, 3:19 AM

@SP. You are welcome and thank you also. Have a nice day!