Recording from cassette deck with Magix audio cleanic 15

coyaba wrote on 2/1/2009, 1:31 PM
I'm just discovering Magix audio cleanic. It works fine for my LPs, but with  cassettes, I get a distorted sound, as if the source was too loud. I use the pre-amp between the line-out of the deck and my laptop. I get exactly the same sound if I use the headphone output of the deck. Why is that so ?
Thanks for advice.


Lazerboy wrote on 2/2/2009, 6:18 AM

Because you use the Phono preamp!

As the names says it is for phono! So you have to connect the tape directly. A record player has a totally different output signal - that is why you need a preamp. For a tape you do not need it, you can connect the tape with your line in.