
Procyon wrote on 12/8/2013, 1:04 PM

You're going to have to be more specific and provide more information than that.

I assume they're pretty much the same, but WHICH model of U-Control are you using?

Exactly, what is your signal chain?  Exactly, how is it connected?  Exactly, in what order?  Exactly, how are your drums being miked?  Etc....

praskal wrote on 12/8/2013, 3:20 PM

Well, I have 3 mics on the drums. These 3 mics go into a mixer. the mixer sends the drums in left and right to an outboard compressor. the compressor sends out a left a right jack that i convert to tleft and right rca's and plug into the behringer via two rca plugs. the behringer goes into computer via usb. the behringer is a U-Control UCA 202.

Procyon wrote on 12/15/2013, 11:31 AM

Then, the next logical question would be...Do you have the two "tom" mike channels panned to the left and/or right on the mixer?

If you are not familiar with the use of a mixer, telling us which make and model of mixer you have would be helpful.

praskal wrote on 12/15/2013, 5:17 PM

I've been recording tunes for many many years. The last 10 or more into a Korg D16. Never had a problem with drums being in mono. Anyway, I have three mice on the drums. The snare is panned to the middle. The other two mics are in front of the drums, panned left and panned right. The mixer is a Behringer Eurorack MX 602A. Right and left then go out to an outboard compressor. Then right and left to into the behringer USB interface. It seems the problem is that the magix track is not split into stereo right and left. 

stephenbrett100 wrote on 1/9/2014, 3:14 PM

Hi i had the same prob with my keyboards on my music maker 2013 when recording 

i went in to file then in to audio recording and at the top microphone or strereo mix i hit stereo mix and play two keyboards hope it helps